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Create a private wiki,
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: eekim

Please create a private wiki,, with the ReaderFeedback extension installed. We need this for the Task Force application process, which will start next Monday, September 14.

Basically, applications will be copied into the wiki, and volunteers will rate each applicant on some set of criteria. Once this first pass has happened, a selection committee will deliberate on the applicants who make the cut.

Version: unspecified
Severity: critical



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:57 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz20573.

This should also include a namespace named "Participants"

PS - needs ReaderFeedback extension too.

...sorry about these comments, but MZMcBride tells me that I also should include what accounts to create initially... :-) User:Philippe, and User:Eekim,

I am really sorry about the delay in this guys, I thought it was setup yesterday and it turns out I did it incorrectly and never even replied to the ticket!

It is setup and working now. I also added both your accounts to both 'bureaucrat' and 'sysop', if this is not correct, let me know! (This way you can both create other accounts to invite folks.)

You will need to go and request it email you a new password. Since it is a private wiki and I did not want to give myself an unneeded account, that step is unavoidable as far as I know.