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Add helper text to explain changing caption languages on participate page
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It's been decided to not include a link to the language setting from the Participate page.

The original non-functioning link in the caption edit section has now been removed.

Helper text needs adding to explain how the user changes languages shown.

Event Timeline

I removed the link in the last patch. Will look at a live example with several inputs displaying to find the best location for the helper text.
We will also need the text that we are including here.

NavinoEvans renamed this task from Replace participate language link with notice about user page settings to Add helper text to explain changing caption languages on participate page .Jun 22 2019, 12:13 PM
NavinoEvans triaged this task as Low priority.
NavinoEvans updated the task description. (Show Details)

Great, I've renamed the task now it's only adding the text needed.