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Editing in Gerrit isn't saved after the update/migration to gerrit1001
Closed, InvalidPublic


Previously it was possible to edit e.g. a commit message directly in Gerrit by clicking in "Commit Message" and clicking the "edit" icon (notepad with a pen). After the migration to gerrit1001, results of edits are no longer saved, if I make a change, the "Save" button is ungreyed, but when clicking the button, the status bar in the left button remains at "Unsaved" (and clicking "Close" shows a popup message stating "Unsaved changes were made to this file. Discard unsaved changes?"

Event Timeline

This happened earlier the day, but I cannot currently reproduce it with a freshly created patch.

colewhite triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 22 2019, 8:08 PM

I can't reproduce this any longer, maybe it got resolved with the subsequent Gerrit restart to bump the Java size or similar. Closing, I'll reopen if I run into this again.