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Unauthorized people can subscribe to "changes of documents" notification
Open, HighPublic



You can add yourself as a subscriber of document changes, even you are unauthorized to see the documents.

Proposed solution

Prohibit users who do not have permission to see documents to subscribe to document changes.

Student is expected to send a patch for wikimedia-cz/tracker repository, hosted at Wikimedia Gerrit. When claiming task on GCI website, student should claim a respective Phabricator task as well.


Event Timeline

Urbanecm renamed this task from unauthorized people can see changes of documents to Unauthorized people can subscribe to "changes of documents" notification.Nov 24 2019, 7:35 PM
Urbanecm updated the task description. (Show Details)
Urbanecm added a subscriber: Safan41.

Change 826928 had a related patch set uploaded (by WelpThatWorked; author: WelpThatWorked):

[wikimedia-cz/tracker@master] Add check to not send notifs to users who can't see the affected file.