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Looking at the DB it looks like it's already in there and actually as a duplicate:

MariaDB [wikistats]> select name,statsurl from mediawikis where statsurl like "%ballot%";
| name        | statsurl                             |
| Judgepedia  |      |
| Ballotpedia | |
2 rows in set (0.020 sec)

I deleted the "Judgepedia" entry from the DB (it was last updated in 2017 and URL not working).

The existing "Ballotpedia" entry works and updated just fine:

getting version for> OK - total: 617179 good: 300480 edits: 7898819 users: 14247 active users: 61 admins: 97 images: 90985
---> update mediawikis set total="617179",good="300480",edits="7898819",users="14247",activeusers="61",admins="97",images="90985",http="200",si_generator="MediaWiki 1.29.0",ts=NOW() where id="7774";

So this was already existing (id 7774).