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Thumb warning showing up as unknown warning
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When trying to upload a thumb photo (starts with 800px- etc.) The upload wizard shows the error Unknown warning: "thumb: 800px-Consejo_Nacional_Independiente_de_Campesinos_y_Ecologistas_de_México_-i---i-_(33901408324).jpg". when it should show something like The file you are trying to upload is a thumbnail..

The API request the upload wizard makes the upload API returns a warning with the index thumb under {upload:{warnings:{thumb:'FILENAME'}}}.

For example uploading the file 800px-Consejo_Nacional_Independiente_de_Campesinos_y_Ecologistas_de_México_-i---i-_(33901408324).jpg returns the error Unknown warning: "thumb: 800px-Consejo_Nacional_Independiente_de_Campesinos_y_Ecologistas_de_México_-i---i-_(33901408324).jpg"..