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puppet-merge lockout/tagout
Open, MediumPublic


In outage scenarios it would be good to have some advisory locking of puppet-merges, to prevent the deployment of unrelated changes. In many industries something similar is known as "lockout-tagout".

  • Implement this in the wrapper script invoked by humans, not in the Python script that runs on each host and does git operations itself
    • Tagout file should only live on the 'master' puppetmaster (i.e. puppetmaster1001)
  • Should be possible to override with a new --force-tagout-override flag, specifically for this purpose (don't reuse existing --yes flag)
  • A new file under /var/lock seems appropriate, let's say /var/lock/disable-puppet-merge
    • The contents of such should include a username and also a message, but even an empty file must prevent merges
    • Likely also want scripts to create and remove a tagout condition

Event Timeline

CDanis renamed this task from puppet-merge manual locking to puppet-merge lockout/tagout.Mar 30 2020, 3:51 PM
CDanis triaged this task as Medium priority.

Removing task assignee due to inactivity as this open task has been assigned for more than two years. See the email sent to the task assignee on August 22nd, 2022.
Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be welcome!
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Change 922915 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jbond; author: jbond):

[operations/puppet@production] puppet-merge: implement Lock out, tag out

Change 922915 merged by Jbond:

[operations/puppet@production] puppet-merge: implement Lock out, tag out