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Homer: add show support
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It would be useful to be able to run show commands on (Juniper) devices and display the result the same way we display diffs (aggregated by devices).

Maybe with a timeout if there is none by default. For example doing a show route | no-more would take an eternity.

Similarly, beeing able to run clear commands would be useful (eg. clear counters).

And more risky, being able to run request commands, maybe with a whitelist to start with (eg. cleanup storage, save backup config, etc...).

Event Timeline

ayounsi created this task.

Given that Juniper supports running a single command in the usual way as
part of a ssh command line, I’m wondering if a homer/netbox device
discovery backend for cumin might work well.

ayounsi claimed this task.

Done with

Now commands like $ sudo cumin D{} 'show version' are possible.

Multiple commands need to be separated by a ;, for example: $ sudo cumin D{} 'show version;show system uptime'

Hosts selection based on Netbox is tracked in T205900.