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File on Commons is not found/displayed in English Wikipedia article
Closed, DuplicatePublic


I uploaded one my photos of Arlington Reef that I intended to use on Wikipedia article [[Wikipedia:Arlington Reef]]. The photo file name on Commons is File:Arlington-Reef-2018-aerial-view-Luka-Peternel.jpg

However, the file is not found or recognized on Wikipedia (please see the article on Wikipedia). It seems to be a bug in the linking of the file between Commons and Wikipedia. I have tried to test it in other articles and there is the same problem.

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from File on Commons is not recognized/found on Wikipedia to File on Commons is not found/displayed in English Wikipedia article.May 22 2020, 6:27 PM

Hi @Path-x21, thanks for taking the time to report this and welcome to Wikimedia Phabricator! For future reference, please follow and include clear steps to reproduce the problem plus links. exists. also exists and all seems to be correct, syntax wise.

I guess this falls either into caching / sync, or into InstantCommons $wgForeignFileRepos.

Ahem, though I realize that this is not a *recent* upload so maybe not a duplicate.

Based on behavior (works on, test.wikipedia, test2.wikipedia, but not elsewhere) I strongly suspect this is a duplicate of T253405. I think we're seeing reports of this mostly for recent files because it's mostly recently-uploaded files that people care about.