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Display real name in application for partners that require it
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Some partners (like whose applications I manage) require real names for access. However, the platform currently only displays the real name (or lack thereof!) once you accepted the application and are on the "Send data to partners" screen. If a real name is missing, you need to manually undo the acceptance and then leave a comment. It would thus be much easier if the application itself already displayed the real name so you could immediately ask people to supply it.

Plus, even if you ask someone to supply it, you have no way of knowing if they did it, unless you accept again and check the "send data" page.

This should be an easy thing to implement, so hopefully it can be handled quickly. Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for this bug report - this definitely sounds frustrating and worth fixing. We have configured to require users to supply a real name to file the application, so I'm surprised to hear that you're finding some users lacking that data at the end of the process. I'll look into this :)

I recently had this with Possibly the problem only occurs with renewals of accounts that were created before the real name requirement was configured?

Ah - that would make sense. We fixed the related problem T175165 by intercepting the renewal process and asking people to enter their email. We could do the same for real name which should avoid this problem at the outset.

For future reference the code blocks primarily controlling that behaviour are here and here.