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Many suggestions (and complaints) about Diff from editors on Wikipedia
Closed, InvalidPublic


(I'm tagging this to MediaWiki-General because I'm not sure how active the maintainer(s) of Page-diffs is/are, given that these complaints have been around for years and years.)

As a preview of what this post is about, here are a few recent complaints about the behavior of Diff:

I want to preface the following by distinguishing the following criticisms about Diff from any criticism of the people behind it. I'm greatly thankful to everyone who contributes to MediaWiki.

Now, let me turn to the DifferenceEngine itself. It ain't good enough! I'll quote another editor: "I've often found that Wikipedia's diffs infuriate me. Can't they scrap the whole thing, copy-paste code from KDiff3 or Meld, so we can finally have proper diffs?" A project as mature as Wikipedia deserves a better Diff - as do its lovely editors.

Firstly, I would repeat that question: should MediaWiki consider plugging in a well-established, well-regarded difference engine?

If not, then I'd suggest working through the bugfix/feature requests from Wikipedia editors at . I'd specifically draw your attention to this recent one (January 2021), because it has concrete suggestions:

Event Timeline

Someone with experience would be much better than me, but, if someone were to point me to the exact section of code which is doing the things we don't like, perhaps I could propose some specific changes. (My CV: some experience with regex; zero experience with MediaWiki, diff, or data comparison.)

Aklapper removed a project: MediaWiki-General.

Hi @SSSheridan, thanks for taking the time to report this. Please check and follow the structure and split this into separate tasks, to cover only one topic per task. That would allow to have more specific task summaries which allows distinguishing when looking at a list of tasks, and it will also allow to track the progress and status of each topic. Hence I am closing this current task as invalid. Thanks for your understanding.