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Upload: retry download after "Timeout" when creating the recording's element in the Wikibase can not be recovered from
Open, MediumPublicBUG REPORT


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List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • Record words
  • One of them fails at upload with a "timeout" error (see below)
  • Click on "Retry uploading"

What happens?:
This is the error that occurred when first uploading that word :

[RequestQueue] Reject http 
Object { xhr: {…}, textStatus: "timeout", exception: "timeout" }
exception: "timeout"
textStatus: "timeout"
xhr: Object { readyState: 0, getResponseHeader: getResponseHeader(key), getAllResponseHeaders: getAllResponseHeaders(), … }
abort: function abort(statusText)
always: function always()
catch: function catch(fn)
complete: function prop()
done: function add()
error: function prop()
fail: function add()
getAllResponseHeaders: function getAllResponseHeaders()
getResponseHeader: function getResponseHeader(key)
overrideMimeType: function overrideMimeType(type)
pipe: function pipe()
progress: function add()
promise: function promise(obj)
readyState: 0
responseJSON: undefined
setRequestHeader: function setRequestHeader(name, value)
state: function state()
status: 0
statusCode: function statusCode(map)
statusText: "timeout"
success: function prop()
then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress)
<prototype>: Object { … }
<prototype>: Object { … }

Yet, the file was uploaded to Commons (see [[c:File:LL-Q150 (fra)-Poslovitch-fractures.wav]]), but no element was created on Lingua Libre (locutor = Poslovitch,

Retrying the upload failed, this time because Commons complains we're trying to upload a file that's identical to another one it already has. (which is expected since the file is actually already uploaded).

What should have happened instead?:
The RW should have retried to create the Wikibase element.

Event Timeline

Poslovitch triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 5 2021, 12:07 PM
Poslovitch created this task.
Yug renamed this task from Retry download after "Timeout" when creating the recording's element in the Wikibase can not be recovered from to Upload: retry download after "Timeout" when creating the recording's element in the Wikibase can not be recovered from.Jul 7 2022, 10:10 AM