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Hide disabled download box from Special:Book
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The download box (#coll-downloadbox) at Special:Book has been disabled for years now and just serves to be confusing. It should be hidden or removed until if/when it's actually possible to download books again.

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Thanks for reporting this.

If you (or someone else) would like to propose and write a software patch, the file to change is resources/ext.collection.bookcreator.styles/bookcreator.less in the mediawiki/extensions/Collection code repository: You are welcome to use developer access to submit the proposed code changes as a Git branch directly into Gerrit for review. If you don't want to set up Git/Gerrit, you can also use the Gerrit Patch Uploader.

I mean I've said I would try contributing here and there's no better task than this to start with. Claimed, but unsure if I will finish quickly since I have to do a fair bit reading and setup first.

Thanks Aklapper! No I've just been way to good at taking on additional tasks recently kind of making this one come lower in the pile. I've done some reading and I'll have a look at actually implementing it this week.

Hello @Aklapper

I was working on this issue and as you suggested to remove code for CSS id #coll-downloadbox in file

But as I saw there is no related CSS written for this particular id #coll-downloadbox in above file as well as anywhere else.

So please suggest to me what should be done or if this issue has been already resolved in any other patch.


@abhigya_pandey: I might have been wrong here, sorry. Please feel welcome to investigate. :) For example on Czech Wikipedia, the Download (Stáhnout) box can be seen. If you useální:Kniha?debug=true&uselang=qqx you can see the technical strings (e.g. coll-download_title or coll-format-rl that you could search for to find related code.)

Change 772920 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hussamsi; author: Hussamsi):

[mediawiki/extensions/Collection@master] Special:Book :Hide disabled download box

Pppery subscribed.

Retagging since the patch has a merge conflict. See if you are still interested in this and need help finding someone to review your patch.

@Trialpears: Per emails from Sep18 and Oct20 and , I am resetting the assignee of this task because there has not been progress lately (please correct me if I am wrong!). Resetting the assignee avoids the impression that somebody is already working on this task. It also allows others to potentially work towards fixing this task. Please claim this task again when you plan to work on it (via Add Action...Assign / Claim in the dropdown menu) - it would be welcome. Thanks for your understanding!

Change #1007673 had a related patch set uploaded (by Pppery; author: Nimishmedatwal):

[mediawiki/extensions/Collection@master] Hide disabled download box from Special:Book