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Search for cov on mobile web should show COVID-19
Closed, DeclinedPublicBUG REPORT


When searching for "cov" on the mobile English Wikipedia website on iOS with Chrome browser it shows results of Covariance and Coventry Cathedral, but not "COVID-19" and other covid articles. Since the search has boosted high traffic pages above others for several years, it should be sufficent to boost covid over the other articles.


  1. Clear cache, just to be sure
  2. Search for "cov" or "COV" on
  3. Result: Coveriance and Coventry Cathedral at the top of search results
  4. Expected: Covid-19 and Covid articles should appear before the others.

Pageviews of top search results vs. COVID-19 article:|Covariance_matrix|Covenant_(law)|Coventry_Cathedral|COVID-19

Posted on the behalf of TagaSanPedroAko, originally posted at en:Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)#Problems with mobile search in Chrome for iOS

Event Timeline

Thanks for raising this @Snaevar. It looks like the page returned for the "cov" search query is not a search results page, but a disambiguation page. As such, what is seen there is not the result of search results ranking, but is something you are able (and encouraged) to help improve the quality of yourself by editing the disambiguation page, by clicking on the "Edit" button and updating the page. Hopefully that helps! This ticket will be closed as declined given the above.