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Website Nitpicks/Suggestions
Closed, ResolvedPublic



  • Background color behind docs words to match #0E0833
  • Does the docs text font match?
  • Dividers to match specs, ie not full page width
  • Static divider between header, footer, and text container (light purple)

Sidebar: Font size and type

  • Add “Documentation” to top of Sidebar
  • Need dropdown animation, font size, spacing, etc.


  • Documentation spelled incorrectly
  • Match font, size, and color of specs
  • Add Logout feature
  • Logo is too large and bleeds over the sidebar panel sizing


  • Larger than specs?
  • Font/bold of “A Wikimedia Foundation Company”
  • “Privacy Policy” and “Source Code” lower case


  • .header && .header__wraper more like 80px height
  • Footer more like 40px? height. the .main > .we-documents height calc needs adjusting... along w/ .footer padding and height.
  • Footer left copy... use text-transform to caps text, not actually typing it in caps. Not a big deal as this is backend site but for good practice... worth the mention.
  • In main .we-documents__content classes... anchor links need a different color... that blue is hard to read on black.
  • Also in that column... paragraph text seems small for a white text on black bg... 16px helps a bit.. something to consider. or something not #fff and more grey-tinted... hard on eyes even as dark mode and kind of a no no in accessibility land anyway.
  • No responsive breakdown of left col nav or columns in any way.
  • Main header nav; thinking "documentation" should technically link? not a big stickler on hover but if the other root-level stuff clicks... It should too. Also how does this work on mobile? (haven't tested)
  • Same menu item... doesn't work on /support page (very dim)

Event Timeline

AnnaMikla set the point value for this task to 5.Sep 2 2021, 10:50 AM


  • there is missed space in the first paragraph
  • there are used two different URL addresses in the text
  • incorrect font size of the Title - it should be 24px instead of 32px,
  • for authorized users, the Privacy-policy page has the incorrect Font color of the Title, - it should be white #FFFFFF by design but now it is #4c5ff7


Side Menu

Top menu:

  • "Firehose API Reference" doesn't fit the width of the dropdown menu and it seems that there are two separate submenu items instead of one


Documents/Data Dictionary

API Reference pages:

  • examples of json schemas have incorrect alignment
  • Authorisation popup accepts any username and password, however API calls don't work in this case - not an issue
  • After authorization, the text of authorization status and user's data have white color
AnnaMikla removed the point value for this task.Oct 10 2021, 2:33 PM
AnnaMikla lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.Oct 20 2021, 12:17 PM

Can we verify all this is done ... anything left (like maybe the "firehose api ref.." is the app not the website... move into new ticket? just to close this out.

Yes, will do this week while refining the backlog.