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When users search for a URL or DOI, resolve immediately instead of searching
Open, Needs TriagePublic


At a recent community event, an editor suggested that instead of users needing to remember the proxy prefix to directly open a paywalled URL, the search box on the library should attempt to do so if presented with a URL. Explaining that this is available functionality in the UI might be challenging, but I could certainly imagine users attempting to do this for lack of a better option.

Currently, entering a URL in EDS doesn't return sensible results. This was tested with a JSTOR URL, which we have access to, which returned zero results when searched.

When a user enters a string which looks like a URL into the search box (starts with https://), instead of searching EDS when they click submit, they should instead be sent to<THEIR URL HERE>.

We could do the same with identifiers like DOIs.

Event Timeline

Samwalton9-WMF renamed this task from When users search for a URL, combine it with the proxy prefix instead of searching EDS to When users search for a URL or DOI, resolve immediately instead of searching.Aug 3 2023, 9:51 AM
Samwalton9-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)