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Fundraising access request for Sarah Guseman (Endowment Assistant - Contractor)
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This is a new access request for Sarah Guseman, starting as an Endowment Assistant - Contractor on Monday, October 4, 2021. They require the following access: (mark each box with an x)

  • civicrm web access
    • standard access
    • donor services access
  • ssh access - if specific hosts: list here
  • mysql - if specific hosts or databases: list here
  • superset
  • other: please explain

C-Level approval obtained by Lisa Gruwell on September 28, 2021:

Lisa Gruwell
Sep 28, 2021, 2:01 PM (2 days ago)
to me, Patricia, Leticia

Yes, I approve.

Lisa Seitz Gruwell
Chief Advancement Officer

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 9:12 AM Jason Adams <> wrote:
Hi Lisa and Pats,

Sarah Guseman is starting October 4th as the Endowment Assistant (Contractor, 15 hrs per week), reporting to me.

Can you please provide authorization for CiviCRM certificate access for Sarah?

Thank you,

New User Procedure / Checklist

When adding a new user to the fundraising / fr-tech ecosystem, we have a set of places where we need to create accounts and access.


Before we can take any action to add a user, we need to verify that they are authorized to have such access. This requires confirmation from their manager and approval from the C level that access is approved.

[x] user_verification
Requires: user request
[x] access_rights: letter to C level (currently Lisa) verifying grant of access
[x] account name/contact info: verify on

Accounts and Services

[x] client_ssl_cert
Requires: user_verification
[x] cert_setup: generate cert on frpm1001 using ssl_user_admin
[x] account_setup: sms the user the password for the key
[x] follow_on: assist with certificate installation
[x] civicrm
Requires: client_ssl_cert
[x] account_setup: Create user account. This will notify the user via email to update their password.
[x] follow_on: Verify user can log in to
[ ] superset
Requires: client_ssl_cert
[x] account_setup: Create user account. Notify the user of their account name and password.
[ ] follow_on: Verify user can log in to
[x] archive_access: Add to google drive archive group.

Event Timeline

Dwisehaupt updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dwisehaupt moved this task from Triage to In Progress on the fundraising-tech-ops board.

SSL client certificate created and sent via email. Password sent via SMS. CiviCRM account created and granted permissions. Account creation email sent.

Dwisehaupt updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dwisehaupt moved this task from In Progress to Done on the fundraising-tech-ops board.

Verified with Sarah that the certificate is installed and working. Closing.

JAdams added a subscriber: Lgruwell-WMF.

Hi @Lgruwell-WMF! Would you please be able to give approval for Sarah Guseman, Endowment Assistant, to gain access to Fundraising data systems? This would include Civi (which she already has access to), Superset, and other systems as required. Thanks!


@JAdams I have added superset to the the list of services above. Are there other bits that Sarah needs at this time?

Superset account created and password set. Password sent via SMS and instructions on how to change it sent via email.