- Talk to Mayya, arranging meeting time
- Have meeting with Mayya and other staff
- Use PIAM presentation as basis of kinds of activities
- Collate list of questions for them around licenses, goals, public education objectives etc
- Create project plan with World Bank staff and explore WiR https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HKkm9HnMdT3wtDDCI1Bzd6NrHK4QxKMgESRk8JfSnbM/edit
- Explore how to involve community eg competition to reuse photos, using their metadata to identify missing topics (e.g women) from Wikipedia
- Photo archive (29,000 photos, has NC license?) https://archivesphotos.worldbank.org/en/about/archives/photo-gallery/photo-gallery-landing?qterm=&x=-2&y=-4&lang_exact=English&os=0&rows=10
- Flickr (12,800 photos, has NC license) https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldbank/