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Cleaning via bot: Bot rename all `zho` audio into `cmn`, on Lili and Commons. 200 items.
Open, LowPublic


About 200 items need to be recategorized and renamed from zho (Chinese / Q130) to cmn (Mandarin Chinese / Q113)

SELECT ?langLabel ?isoLabel (SUBSTR(STR(?audio),32) AS ?Audio) ?audioLabel
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q21 French  ;
    ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q130 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q130 zho  ;
  } UNION { 
    ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q113 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q113 cmn  ;
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
} ORDER BY ASC(?isoLabel)
# Helper: Chinese writing zho:Q130/wd:Q7850 ; Chinese mandarin cmn:Q113/wd:Q9192 .
Each item-audio has 5 points to edits
  • Wikimedia Commons > file :
    • Edit page content : replace zho by cmn.
    • Move filename : replace zho by cmn ; replace Q130 par Q113.
  • Lili item (Qid) :
    • P3 'recording url pointer' (string): replace zho by cmn.
    • P4 'language' (Lili Qid): replace Q130 (Chinese / zho) by Q113 (Mandarin Chinese / cmn)
    • description (string) : replace zho by cmn.
To do
  • Code renaming script
  • Run
  • LinguaLibre: check speakers with zho, edit their profiles, replace by cmn Qid.
  • LinguaLibre : Delete zho language (which is the writing system and not a specific language, and should not be there)

Event Timeline

Yug updated the task description. (Show Details)
Yug triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 6 2022, 11:22 AM
Yug renamed this task from Bot rename all `zho` audio into `cmn`, on Lili and Commons. 200 items. to Cleaning via bot: Bot rename all `zho` audio into `cmn`, on Lili and Commons. 200 items..Jul 6 2022, 1:11 PM
Yug lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.