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Link to "Log" from mediawiki:sidebar goes to "Logs" instead
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I have a page called "Log" that I want to link to from the sidebar. I have other links to the sidebar that work as expected, but the link to "Log" gets turned into "Logs". I have tried this on two wikis 1.37 and 1.38. The first link below contains both Log, and combinations of :Log. With that I can force the link to go to "Log", but it still lists as "Logs".

Event Timeline

Interestingly the sidebar also doesn't accept commenting out with

<!-- xxx -->

For the records, says that the technical ID log shall display its English name Logs.

Thanks, @Aklapper!
mediawiki:Log must be a built-in thing since I didn't add it to either wiki. I thought something like that might be going on, but didn't even know how I would search for that.
So :Log allows me to overrule this for the link part, but how would I overrule this for the displayed text?

Presumably you could create a another MediaWiki message (i.e MediaWiki:Log-text) that expands to "log". This is a hack that shouldn't be necessary, though.