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Create the Ultimate Calendar, a wiki- and transclusion-based event communication tool
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The Ultimate Calendar

The project includes technical and non-technical innovations to make event communication more direct, transparent, time-efficient and user-friendly. For this purpose, an event database system is to be created and established. It is characterized by a functional category system, data maintenance according to the Wiki principle and diverse data access/retrieval options.

Target groups, Stakeholders and Functions of the System in their interest:
1 Event Organizers

The project focuses on non-commercial event organizers. For them, two functions of the system are most relevant:

  • Event entries will usually be carried out by the organizer directly, via their user account. In addition to a number of standard specifications (location, time, participation fees, whether registration is required, target group, other requirements for participants), events can also be assigned to different categories defining event format and topic.
  • Retrieving the event information entered is made possible through various options, so that the organizer can easily transclude it in their various communication channels and today's efforts to carry out redundant entries on different platforms will be minimized. Feeds and other transclusion interfaces, as well as export options, allow direct integration into websites and usage in newsletters, social media and more. This includes ICAL feeds, representations for integration via iFrame, CSV and list output options. The first thing event organizers will want to use a feed or iframe for, is to embed all of their upcoming events into their own Website.
2 Multipliers

Multipliers can use the same retrieval and transclusion interfaces as the organizers, to transmit event information to their communication/PR channels. However, they will want to use additional query options: For example, they can combine all upcoming events from a selection of different organizers. Or include the events of all organizers in a given region, and filter by criteria, such as selecting specific topics and formats, and completely hiding fee-based offerings, for example. In addition, multipliers can create their custom, handpicked event selections by applying their own recommendation tag to upcoming events.

3 General Public

Users have the same retrieval options available to them. The most suitable for them are likely to be:

  • Display via the project website (to explore and select preferred search/filter criteria)
  • See custom event selections published by multipliers
  • Integration of self-created or multiplier-recommended event selections in own calendar programs (such as Thunderbird, Outlook) or smartphone calendar apps
  • Extended functions of the system could include daily individually compiled info mails.

In addition, users can help to correct errors and add details and category affiliations to the event entries at any time. A similar function as the "pending changes" protection feature in Wikipedia is applied, whereby the review and release of submitted pending changes can only be done by the respective event organizers. A small team of admins also has the right to review, but should use it mainly to release updated category assignments.

Event Timeline

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Mar 15 2022, 7:02 PM

Hi and thanks for taking the time to report this! I'm not quite sure what to make out of this task - it looks like an announcement for a project (which might be better suited on forums or mailing lists, in case this is somehow technically related to Wikimedia or MediaWiki)? Is there an initial codebase somewhere, or a project page?
Could you help me understand what exactly this task is asking for? Thanks in advance!

@Dan-yell, @Ynthn: Could you please answer the last comment? Thanks in advance!

Hi @Aklapper! Indeed we are right now talking about the project. We see is as a possible future Wikimedia project, highly integrating Wikibase and/or Wikidata as well as already made progress into the calendar direction, e.g. the Phabricator calendar. Our goal is to find fellow wikimedians to further develop the concept and put it into place. And we want to thank you for the advice. Certainly, the Phabricator forums and mailing lists are the right place to do so. A question remains for the moment: As it is a complex concept already, we certainly should create a wikipage to better depict the Ideas and recollect forkable open source components. Is there any better way than using a user-subpage?

And: Would you by any chance be available to talk through the projects perspectives in a audio/video call?

@Dan-yell: Hi, thanks for the reply.

Phabricator forums and mailing lists

Phabricator does not offer forums or mailing lists. Phabricator is primarily an issue tracking and project planning system.

as already made progress into the calendar direction

Is there an initial codebase somewhere that you could link to?

Our goal is to find fellow wikimedians

You may want to bring this up in better suited places.

Would you by any chance be available to talk through the projects perspectives in a audio/video call?

Could you please explain what you mean by "projects perspectives"? In which context? (Also, are there reasons to talk with individual people instead of the public?)
As with any software projects, perspectives of a project itself are pretty much up to maintainers and contributors what they plan to do with their project. :)

I'm still not quite sure why this task was filed in Wikimedia Phabricator - are there any expectations from this task? Please elaborate. What is this task asking for?

Hi @Aklapper! In the meantime, we have noticed how many responsabilities you have, and that thus understandably cannot have time for individual assistance.

Background of the task is that we cannot create a new phabricator project as normal users. We were hoping this might be a possible way towards it. Thanks for pointing out the better suited places to present the project idea.

There is no code basis yet, as that would be done outside the Wikimedia ecosystem, and possible waste of time, when there might be a chance to work with Wikimedia/Toolforge's develoment tools. It still might turn out that either the available tools are not suitable, or the community not open for the project idea. Finding out more about this question is what I mean by future perspectives for the project.

We have saved the tasks texts in other places, so it could be discarded without any Problem.

Please see if you'd like to have a project, plus elaborate how this project is related to Wikimedia and its communities - thanks!

I'm closing this ticket as it seems to be not actionable in itself.