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Request increased quota for giftbot Toolforge tool
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Tool Name: giftbot
Quota increase requested: <+3 deployments>
Reason: T304900, I have 1 webservice and 5 continuous jobs that I used to run on the grid.

tools.giftbot@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ kubectl describe resourcequotas
Name:                   tool-giftbot
Namespace:              tool-giftbot
Resource                Used    Hard
--------                ----    ----
configmaps              2       10
count/cronjobs.batch    27      50
count/deployments.apps  3       3
count/jobs.batch        0       15
limits.cpu              1500m   2
limits.memory           1536Mi  8Gi
persistentvolumeclaims  0       3
pods                    3       10
replicationcontrollers  0       1
requests.cpu            450m    2
requests.memory         768Mi   6Gi
secrets                 1       10
services                1       1
services.nodeports      0       0

kubectl get events doesn't report anything, I get the error in the aforementioned ticket.

Should I also request more cpu or should I lower the requested cpu per job?

Event Timeline

Giftpflanze renamed this task from Request increased quota for <Replace Me> Toolforge tool to Request increased quota for giftbot Toolforge tool.Mar 28 2022, 9:22 PM

+1 from me. Thank you for migrating over from gridengine!

Andrew claimed this task.
Andrew subscribed.

I increased the deployment and cpu quota for tool-giftbot. Please followup if you run into a different limit.