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Deprecated: Premature access to service container (when using extension Embed_Video)
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Getting errors after Upgrade vom 1.34 to 1.37

List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):
Upgraded the files
upgraded database via webbrowser site/mw-config
opening the site

What happens?:

the following errors appear on EVERY page of the wiki.

Deprecated: Premature access to service container [Called from ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/config/ConfigFactory.php at line 52] in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 375

Deprecated: Premature access to service 'HookContainer' [Called from MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/MediaWikiServices.php at line 267] in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 375

Deprecated: Premature access to service 'ObjectFactory' [Called from Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer::{closure} in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/ServiceWiring.php at line 618] in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 375

Deprecated: Premature access to service 'ConfigFactory' [Called from ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/config/ConfigFactory.php at line 52] in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 375

Deprecated: Premature access to service 'BootstrapConfig' [Called from Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer::{closure} in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/ServiceWiring.php at line 346] in /homepages/4/d19599333/htdocs/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 375

What should have happened instead?:
No Error should appear

Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc.:

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from getting errors after Upgrade vom 1.34 to 1.37 to Deprecated: Premature access to service container.May 6 2022, 7:30 PM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)

nailed it down to the extension Embed_Video. Mentioned in T273261. As I don't know where exactly I have to set things there I deactivated it until the bug is fixed.

Aklapper renamed this task from Deprecated: Premature access to service container to Deprecated: Premature access to service container (when using extension Embed_Video).May 11 2022, 9:55 AM
Aklapper closed this task as a duplicate of T273261: Premature access to service container.