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[Airflow] Build Druid Operator
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


Key Task
Build an Airflow operator that interacts with our druid instance.
Success Criteria
  • Have a druid operator build
  • and documented

Event Timeline

EChetty triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 6 2022, 4:01 PM
EChetty set the point value for this task to 3.
EChetty removed a project: Epic.
EChetty changed the point value for this task from 3 to 5.
EChetty moved this task from Ready to Next Up on the Data Pipelines (Sprint 05-06) board.
mforns renamed this task from Build Druid Operator to [Airflow] Build Druid Operator.Feb 6 2023, 3:55 PM