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Investigate blocking an identity with Apereo CAS
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points

Event Timeline

roman-stolar set the point value for this task to 3.Jun 20 2022, 1:17 PM
Lena.Milenko changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jun 20 2022, 2:28 PM

After investigating of blocking an identity of user by Apereo CAS, we added a possibility to block user, when user trying to login. At the moment there is no possibility to force log out user from mediawiki when user was blocked in Apereo CAS as lack of user management. Apereo CAS don't have any flags/notifiers that could inform mediawiki that user are blocked. In simple way Apereo CAS just don't know what mean "blocked user". It's works with login flow, because when user trying to login, we request a data from user table to compare it. In this case we could modify request to check if user field "disabled" value is positive.

Lena.Milenko changed the task status from In Progress to Open.Jul 7 2022, 1:04 PM

Setting task status to resolved as this task has been in the Done workboard column for months. (Please resolve tasks if there is nothing left to do!)
If there is still more to do in this task, then please reopen this task - thanks a lot!