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Investigate whether these tests are currently correct and fit for purpose
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We need to investigate whether these tests are currently correct and fit for purpose. We should also investigate whether it would be easier to get a more comprehensive view of integration testing by using a test instance of thumbor in docker with more realistic tests of service behaviour when running. This approach could be a complement to the existing online tests.

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The results of the investigation:

  1. In general current tests work as expected and it doesn't seem that they are written wrong.
  2. Regarding the integration testing, most of the tests use one test case for testing - run_and_check_ssim_and_size. The number of testing parameters in this function can be extended which could bring better test cases. Additionally, I’ve noticed that “” is not an online test, it has a local URL. And what's more, it can be as one of the variants to create more tests using different filters:(parameter), format:(parameter), etc of the URL for the Thumbor service to get a converted image.
  3. As for unit tests, it also can be taken into consideration because very few functions of the source code are used in the existing tests. For now, it is only an 80% assumption which has appeared after working with tests. But the picture will be clearer after the code coverage check.
Vlad.shapik moved this task from In Progress to Done on the Thumbor Migration board.