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DeadLinkFinder seems to hang in status "check ongoing" forever
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT



at least in the german language wikipedia there is a tool to check external links for every page.

In the left navigation bar there are the links

  • "Links überprüfen" -> javascript:DeadLinkFinder.start()
  • "Links immer überpüfen" -> javascript:DeadLinkFinder.startAlwaysCheckingForDeadLinks()
  • "keine Links mehr überprüfen" -> javascript:DeadLinkFinder.stopAlwaysCheckingForDeadLinks()

The tool seems to hang in status "check ongoing" (check icon in the down right corner) forever, even for articles/pages with almost no weblinks, for example:

Only if there are no external links the green "OK" icon is show in the down right corner:

Could you please check?

Thanks a lot!

Event Timeline

Aklapper added a subscriber: Frog23.

This seems to be about . Unfortunately lists no information where to find its code base or where to file bug reports. CC'ing @Frog23 - could you please clarify? Thanks a lot!

@Frog23 Could you please answer the last comment? Thanks in advance!

Frog23 claimed this task.

Hey everybody, sorry for not checking in here earlier. It has been a couple of busy weeks IRL.

Anyways, thanks for the report @M2k_dewiki and thanks for adding me @Aklapper . I have looked into this issue and found the problem. It had to do with the pre-flight CORS request from the browser to the server. I don't know what changed, but somehow they stopped working. However in the meantime (I have last touched the tool 5 years ago) a lot of things have changed on the WMF side, so I was able to implement a fix that I couldn't back when I initially wrote it (OPTIONS requests/responses), so that should have solved the problem.

When I now run it on it indicates an issue with a link, but doesn't highlight a link as problematic but this is because two other external links are hidden in the template but recognized by the script which then causes a problem.

I am aware that I do need to spend some time on getting the tool up to date, e.g. by properly filling out the infos for etc, but I won't be able to do this for at least the next 5 weeks. But for now the main issue is fixed and it should be working. Let me know if you encounter any other issues with it.

Hello Frog23,

thanks a lot! For me, at the page

the tool still shows the "waiting" icon in the down right bottom corner:

Is it necessary to change someting in the javascript configuation/initialization or the browser settings/cache ?

Thanks a lot!

Could be a caching issue. Try loading directly in the browser and maybe pressing Ctrl + F5 to refresh. The link in the second line of the Privacy Information should be and not This way you know, that you have the correct version.

How have you included the script in your user profile?
I hope this helps.

Thanks! It also works for me now!

I changed the URL in


mw.loader.load(""); [[Benutzer:Frog23/Dead Link Finder/de]]


mw.loader.load(""); [[Benutzer:Frog23/Dead Link Finder/de]]

Afterwards I cleaned the browser cache.