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Add try again button to commons uploader form
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT

Description says to report this here.

I'm using a tiny cell phone. So bear with me. The template won't fit.

Screenshot_20230225-081900.jpg (1×1 px, 181 KB)

Here we see one of the files has failed to upload. The only choice is to remove it. Even though in the words it says try again, but there is no try again button. Therefore the user must painstakingly remove it and then dig in his files and add it back in. Simply adding a try again button would avoid all that trauma.

Event Timeline

Jidanni renamed this task from And try again button to commons uploader form to Add try again button to commons uploader form.Feb 25 2023, 12:37 AM
Jidanni updated the task description. (Show Details)