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Dropdown: mobile version should only show options 'Visual' and 'Wikitext' in switch dropdown
Closed, InvalidPublic5 Estimated Story Points


In mobile, the dropdown should have options 'Visual' and 'Wikitext' when visual diff is enable.

Feature summary

On the current mobile experience, the switch options are Visual and Wikitext when visual diff is enabled.
Wikitext does not display a two-column format in mobile, only in desktop. Therefore, we want only want to show Visual and Wikitext options in the switch diff dropdown for the mobile version.

Overall possible options

Visual Editor installedWidiff2 installedOptions
NoNoNo dropdown
YesNo'Visual', 'Wikitext'
NoYesNo dropdown
YesYes'Visual', 'Wikitext'

Event Timeline

HMonroy renamed this task from Dropdown should only show 'Visual' and 'Wikitext' in mobile to Dropdown should only show 'Visual' and 'Wikitext' for mobile version.Mar 16 2023, 4:16 AM
HMonroy updated the task description. (Show Details)
HMonroy renamed this task from Dropdown should only show 'Visual' and 'Wikitext' for mobile version to Dropdown: mobile version should only show options 'Visual' and 'Wikitext' in switch dropdown.Mar 16 2023, 5:02 AM