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Dropdown: update "Review your changes" modal with a switch diff dropdown
Closed, InvalidPublic


Introduce dropdown to allow switching between different wikidiff formats in the Review your changes modal. The options should be "Two Columns" and "Inline" if Wikidiff2 is installed. The Wikitext format in core renders a two-column layout by default.

Feature Summary

On the current experience, a user is able to use different diff formats.

Introduce a dropdown to the UI so that users can easily switch between the different available formats.

Use Cases

As a viewer, I am able to switch between different diff formats when review my changes.

The drop down should display the options according to installation.

Fresh install:
Do not show anything

Fresh install with Wikidiff2 enabled options:
"Two Columns", "Inline"

Widiff2 installedOptions
NoNo dropdown
Yes'Inline', 'Two Columns'

Release plan

  • Engineering reviews and creates patch demo
  • QA review patch demo
  • Product tested patch demo
  • Merge - train will pick up change [date TBD]

Event Timeline

HMonroy renamed this task from "Review your changes modal" should have a switch diff dropdown to Dropdown: update "Review your changes" modal with a switch diff dropdown.Mar 16 2023, 4:54 AM
HMonroy updated the task description. (Show Details)

Requirements changed. There will be an 'inline switcher' and the "Review your changes" modal is out of scope.