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Enable Cassandra access to AQS keyspaces for user fgoodwin
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I need access to AQS keyspaces in order to make sample datasets for testing.

Event Timeline

This is needed for continued work, if approval is needed then you can consider it approved by me.

Change 906044 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eevans; author: Eevans):

[operations/puppet@production] cassandra: create aqs cluster user for 'fgoodwin'

Change 906044 merged by Eevans:

[operations/puppet@production] cassandra: create aqs cluster user for 'fgoodwin'

Eevans renamed this task from access AQS keyspaces to Enable Cassandra access to AQS keyspaces for user fgoodwin.Apr 5 2023, 3:32 PM
Eevans triaged this task as Medium priority.

This is done; I will coordinate directly with Frankie for the credentials.