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Citoid/Zotero author names split incorrectly into citation template (, probably others)
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

VE's automatic citation template insertion appears to mangle citation author data. Here's how to reproduce it:

*Open a sandbox page and edit it in VE.
*Add some text.
*Click the "Cite button.
*Click Automatic.
*Put into the URL box.
*Save the citation.

What happens?:
*Notice that instead of parsing the page's author metadata ("Joseph Parilla, Xavier de Souza Briggs, and Mark Muro") reasonably into individual authors (the best outcome), or inserting all of the author metadata into |author= (not great, but easy to detect and fix), VE does this: |last=Muro |first=Joseph Parilla, Xavier de Souza Briggs, and Mark which is much worse, and more difficult to fix, especially if the original source disappears from the web.

What should have happened instead?:
The Cite button should generate a citation with author names split correctly, either in to author1=, author2=, etc., or last1=, first1=, last2=, first2=, etc.

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Event Timeline

I can't reproduce this. When I tried with VisualEditor it omits the authors entirely, which is admittedly not great, but not the same behavior.

Same. Maybe the Zotero engine has been tweaked since the initial report. OK to close the ticket, I guess.