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Test liftwing language-agnostic revertrisk API for scale and latency
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


As a part of considering migration to liftwing, we want to test out whether the MVP liftwing language-agnostic revertrisk API can operate at the following scale and latency:

  • able to hold 200 K requests/hr
  • the response time is in the ball park of ~200 ms


  1. Authenticate using OAuth as mentioned in the doc
  2. Switch to wme tier as mentioned in the doc above.
  3. Get random article using Random API and 10 latest revisions of the article as follows:
  1. Call revertrisk API for each revision as follows:
with body 
    "rev_id": 1149319610,
    "lang": "en"
  1. Gather revision id : project identifier : response time data (in csv or db). Calculate what percentage of response time are: a) 200 ms and under b) 300 ms and under c) 500 ms and under d) above 500 ms