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[Newcomer track] Newcomer orientation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  • Title of session: Newcomer Orientation
  • Session description:

First Wikimedia Hackathon? This is the session for you! We will go over the Hackathon program and look into different options for participating. This will be a short presentation, with ample time for Q&A.

  • Username for contact: @Slst2020 @Dreamy_Jazz
  • Session duration (30 or 60 min): 30 min
  • Session type (presentation, workshop, discussion, etc.): Presentation with Q&A
  • Language of session (English, Arabic, etc.): English
  • Prerequisites (some Python, etc.): None
  • Any other details to share?:

If you are a seasoned hackathon participant and/or already know what you will working on, you are encouraged to attend the poster creation session instead.

  • Interested? Add your username below:

Event Timeline

@Slst2020: Thanks for participating in the Hackathon! We hope you had a great time.

  • If this session took place: Please change the task status to resolved via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown.
    • If there are session notes (e.g. on Etherpad or a wiki page), or if the session was recorded, please make sure these resources are linked from this task.
    • If there are specific follow-up tasks from this session / event: Please create dedicated tasks and add another active project tag to those tasks, so others can find those tasks (as likely nobody in the future will look at the Hackathon workboard when trying to find something they are interested in).
  • In this session / event did not take place: Please set the task status to declined.

Thank you,
Phabricator housekeeping service

The session took place, but I am unsure whether there were notes. However, this can be marked as resolved.