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Fix the cap utility to work for users belonging to more than one groups
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story PointsBUG REPORT


We need to fix the behaviour of cap utility such that the most-privileged group configuration is applied.

What is happening
When a user is part of more than one groups, and if any of those groups have a cap limit, the limit will be enforced.

What should be happening
When a user is part of more than one groups, only the limit corresponding to the most-privileged group should be enforced. For instance, if an user if part of groups ["group_1" and "group_3"], we only apply the cap config related to group_3

To do

  • Create a method that acts on User object and returns MostPrivileged group that the user belongs to.
  • Refer to the general/httputil/limiter.go code for an example of how to apply the most-privileged group limits. Update this code to use the new MostPrivileged method.
  • Fix the general/httputil/cap.go code to work similarly, i.e., only apply config based on MostPrivileged group.

QA / Acceptance criteria
For users with 2 groups, we only see the cap behaviour related to the highest (most privileged) group.

To consider
Libraries will stay the same


  • Stephan
  • Ricardo

Event Timeline

JArguello-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JArguello-WMF set the point value for this task to 2.

we should add a dependency to update the main API after this work is merged.

QA was performed for articles that exist in dev, after the cap was reached 400 bad requests are received.

QA performed with different groups. Cap is applied on lowest group and not applied in highest group.