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$wgHeaderTabsNoTabsInToc = true; partially not working
Open, Needs TriagePublic


$wgHeaderTabsNoTabsInToc = true;
does not work if the tabs are before the content that should be in the TOC.

If I put $wgHeaderTabsNoTabsInTOC = true; in LocalSeettings.php, nothing changes, if I put <notabtoc/> in the page, the tabs are not shown in the tabs, but no other headings are shown. After some testing I realized that this only works, if the tabs are below the content which heading should be in the TOC.

If I put first level headings and <headertabs /> BEFORE the other content, this does not work. This is unfortunate, because most of the times I use HeaderTabs for templates, where the template content is usually on the top of the page followed by the rest of the content.

The default behavior for this should be to work independently of the placing of content (before or after <headertabs />.