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Three repositories mirrored by Diffusion from GitLab into both "Toolforge" and "Wikimedia" on GitHub
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There are three Toolforge repos on GitLab that are observed by Diffusion and mirrored by Diffusion to more than one place on GitHub.
Makes me wonder if this is needed, and whether mirroring 3 out of 6 should be disabled in Diffusion, and 3 out of 6 mirrored repos deleted on GitHub.

@bd808: By any chance, do you remember anything related to this setup? Asking as you seem to have been involved in setting up these mirroring URIs.

For the records, SQL query used:
SELECT CONCAT("",, "/manage/uris/") AS repoURI,, u2.uri AS observedFromURI, u.uri AS MirroredToUri FROM phabricator_repository.repository_uri u INNER JOIN phabricator_repository.repository rm ON rm.phid = u.repositoryPHID INNER JOIN phabricator_repository.repository_uri u2 ON u2.repositoryPHID = u.repositoryPHID INNER JOIN phabricator_repository.repository r2 ON r2.phid = u2.repositoryPHID WHERE (u.ioType = "mirror" AND u.isDisabled = 0) AND (u2.ioType = "observe" AND u2.isDisabled = 0) ORDER BY;

Event Timeline

@bd808: By any chance, do you remember anything related to this setup? Asking as you seem to have been involved in setting up these mirroring URIs.

I think I was mirroring those tools I created under the organization account in part to prove it could be done. I guess I don't really care if there are multiple mirrors to GitHub or other codeforges for these projects. If it really bugs @Aklapper or others that there are >1 mirrors I have no specific objections to removing some of them.

Aklapper removed Aklapper as the assignee of this task.

Thanks, let's keep it then