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PuppetZeroResources (planet1003 new bullseye host)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Common information

  • alertname: PuppetZeroResources
  • cluster: misc
  • instance: planet1003:9100
  • job: node
  • prometheus: ops
  • severity: critical
  • site: eqiad
  • source: prometheus
  • team: serviceops-collab

Firing alerts

Event Timeline

Jelto triaged this task as Medium priority.
Jelto added subscribers: Dzahn, Jelto.

I think @Dzahn added the new host plane1003 for the bullseye migration (T348392).
Puppet still has some certificate errors on the host. A speculative guess: is certificate signing different on puppet7? SAL states:

2023-11-22 22:34 <mutante> puppetserver1001 - manually signed puppet cert request for planet1003

Jelto renamed this task from PuppetZeroResources to PuppetZeroResources (planet1003 new bullseye host).Nov 23 2023, 9:30 AM
Jelto moved this task from Incoming to Work in Progress on the collaboration-services board.
Dzahn changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Nov 27 2023, 6:07 PM
Dzahn closed this task as Resolved.EditedNov 27 2023, 6:42 PM

wmf-reimage cookbook worked this time unlike last week. cert was revoked and new cert signed by cookbook.

puppet working now.