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Fix istio gateway's PodDisruptionBudgets for ml-serve
Open, MediumPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Warning  MultiplePodDisruptionBudgets  22m (x2 over 22m)  controllermanager  Pod "istio-system"/"istio-ingressgateway-m74v8" matches multiple PodDisruptionBudgets.  Chose "istio-ingressgateway-services" arbitrarily.

We use multiple istio ingresses on ml-serve, and we need to tune the PodDisruptionBudgets resources accordingly. At the moment only one seem present.

Event Timeline

calbon set the point value for this task to 2.
calbon moved this task from Unsorted to Ready To Go on the Machine-Learning-Team board.
elukey moved this task from Ready To Go to Backlog/SRE on the Machine-Learning-Team board.