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Create Data Quality for Machine Readability RFC - 10 days
Closed, ResolvedPublicSpike


This is long term vision therefore this should not be scoped in days.

In order to come with solutions to present to team.


% score of accuracy per project ( ex: enwiki, ptwiki )
% score of coverage per project ( ex: enwiki, ptwiki )

Outcome: Document to be discussed during the offsite

Event Timeline

JArguello-WMF renamed this task from {Spike} Create Data Quality for Machine Readability RFC to Create Data Quality for Machine Readability RFC - 10 days.Jan 18 2024, 2:38 PM
JArguello-WMF added a project: Spike.
JArguello-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Spike". · View Herald TranscriptJan 18 2024, 2:38 PM

I will discuss the scope and target audience for the RFC with Ricardo and see where there is overlap with his work on MR architecture