Page MenuHomePhabricator redirects to a CAS error page
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Description redirects to a CAS error page ever since we added new services to to prepare the migration of the service to Kubernetes.

Event Timeline

brouberol triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Feb 15 2024, 4:38 PM

I've tried to change the service ID to _not_ match, just (, to no avail. I think I will need to fully revert the Puppet PR to remove the superset OIDC service from CAS in the first place,

Change 1003796 had a related patch set uploaded (by Brouberol; author: Brouberol):

[operations/puppet@production] idp: remove superset services from CAS as an attempt to restore production service

Change 1003796 merged by Brouberol:

[operations/puppet@production] idp: remove superset services from CAS as an attempt to restore service

The service is back. This was due to the fact that we already had a superset and superset-next entry in the CAS configuration, that I missed. When I added new entries, they did override the existing ones (as they shared the same key) and broke the current <--> integration.