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Create a WAF rule to inspect the json request body for create-user call
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


In order to deny request propagation that uses email associated with any domains of a domain_denylist, we need to create a WAF rule.

To do

  • Add a rule for the WAF of auth API service. The WAF should be able to inspect the json request body. A typical json request body looks like as follows:
  "email": "",
  "username": "username",
  "password": "userpassword",
  "policy_version": "v1.1",
  "policy_date_accept": "2023-03-10T12:34:56.789Z",
  "marketing_emails": "false",
  "captcha_id": "somecaptcha_id",
  "captcha_solution": "somecaptcha_solution"

If (for example) the domain_denylist is ["", ""], the request above should not be forwarded.

Note: Use the same domain_denylist variable from IaC that we will use dashboard and auth service.

AWS docs:
Terraform docs:

Acceptance criteria

  • On dev, set up a test domain_denylist. Send a request from dev dashboard using email with the domain from deny list. See that your request does not reach Auth service.
  • Check cloudwatch logs for auth service. You should not see the /create-user log related to your request.