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Wikibase Query Service on Wikibase Cloud doesn't show data edited after 27 March 2024
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue

PREFIX wd:<>

Edited: More generally, take a random instance of Wikibase Cloud, check the entities edited after 27 March 2024 and run a query whose results should include data edited after 27 March 2024.

What happens?:
Gives no result ("No matching records found") even though wd:Q93 entity exists

Edited: More generally, data edited after 27 March 2024 aren't shown in the results of the query.

What should have happened instead?:
A series of triples should have shown up in the result.

Edited: More generally, data edited after 27 March 2024 should be shown in the results of the query.

Other information :
Probably linked to

Event Timeline

Hello, chiming in here to say that this affects my instance at too, and several other users, reported in the Telegram chat.

Query Service stopped reflecting new changes on 27 Mar, as shown by two properties created on the same day:

pp:P37 returns a match:

pp:P38 does not:

Epidosis renamed this task from Wikibase Query Service does not have some triples on a to Wikibase Query Service on Wikibase Cloud doesn't shown data edited after 27 March 2024.Mar 30 2024, 12:36 PM
Epidosis updated the task description. (Show Details)
Epidosis subscribed.

I have edited the task to make it more general. I experience the same issue in - I created the instance on 28 March 2024 and as of now the Query Service still has no triples in itself.

Epidosis renamed this task from Wikibase Query Service on Wikibase Cloud doesn't shown data edited after 27 March 2024 to Wikibase Query Service on Wikibase Cloud doesn't show data edited after 27 March 2024.Mar 30 2024, 12:38 PM

Can say in relationship to my instance that the SPARQL queries stopped updating between 21:16 on 26 March 2024‎ and 13:42 on 27 March 2024.