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Profile Information

Name: Rohith R
Web Profile: LinkedIn, Portfolio, GitHub
Location: Kerala, India
Typical working hours: Flexible, Kerala Time (UTC+5:30)


As a full-stack developer, I aim to contribute to Wikimedia projects by enhancing their web infrastructure and user experience. My proposed project involves improving user authentication, data management, and search/filter functionalities to enhance user engagement and learning experiences on Wikimedia platforms.
Have you contacted your mentors already? No


Week 1-2: Investigation and project setup:
Research and understand the existing Wikimedia infrastructure.
Set up development environment and tools.
Discuss project goals and requirements with mentors.
Week 3-5: Front-end enhancements:
Improve UI design for better user experience.
Implement user authentication system.
Enhance search and filtering functionalities.
Week 6-7: Back-end development:
Implement necessary backend functionalities
Integrate with existing databases.
Week 8-9: Testing and debugging:
Test all implemented features rigorously.
Debug and fix any issues or bugs.
Week 10: Documentation and deployment:
Document the project including setup instructions, API documentation, etc.
Deploy the updated system to Wikimedia servers.


I plan to communicate progress via weekly progress reports sent to mentors and the Wikimedia community mailing list. I will also utilize IRC channels and the Wikimedia Phabricator for real-time communication and issue tracking. All source code will be published on GitHub for transparency and collaboration.

About Me

Education: B.Tech in Information Technology, Government Engineering College, Palakkad, India (Aug 2017 - May 2022)
How did you hear about this program? Through GSOC 2024, have been watching for a few months.
Time commitments: I will dedicate full-time hours to this program.
Planning to apply to both Google Summer of Code and Outreachy? Yes, interested in participating in either of these platforms.
Attended a new front-end challenge by Tublian, here is the link to my challenge project: Tublian Frontend Challenge Project

Past Experience

Relevant projects: Educational Website Development, Staff Management System, AR Classroom.
Open source contributions: Contributions to Codecademy Docs and other projects HTML | Attributes | id | Codecademy