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Page is not fully loading due to possible limit
Closed, InvalidPublic


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Open ttps://Списак_коришћених_бројева_дресова_ФК_Црвена_звезда

What happens?:
The page is not loading completely, template "Reflist" is shown just as a Template:Reflist (Шаблон is translation for Template in the Serbian language)

What should have happened instead?:
Everything should load.

Software version (on Special:Version page; skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

  • Serbian Wikipedia (group 2)

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Event Timeline

Pppery subscribed.

The existence of the post-expand include size limit ( is not a bug.

Kizule changed the subtype of this task from "Bug Report" to "Task".

Oh, I used the wrong form, because I wanted to get a template which I can use for "steps to reproduce the issue, what's wrong, what's expected..."

Okay, so this is just a task for consideration to increase the limit, because I'm sure that this is not only the one article and that this is not happening on Serbian WIkipedia only, I'm sure.

And making pages to look even bigger, just because of this, is not a solution.

We already have tasks requesting to increase the limit