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Investigate why pools.json does not match${datacenter}/${service} T363702
Closed, InvalidPublic


Hello Infrastructure Foundations/Traffic,

Per T363702 , I'm working out a way to verify LVS hosts have all their VLAN plumbing in place. From the LVS server, I'm reading pybal.conf to find which pools it hosts.

As I do this, I've noticed that many pools listed in pybal.conf don't appear in , even though they do appear in${datacenter}/${service} .

The (extremely crude) script I'm using to check this info is here and the list of services that don't appear in pools.json is here.

I'm not sure if this is a problem or not, but I wanted to point it out just in case. I can work around the issue, so it's not high priority. Feel free to ping me on Slack/IRC if you need more info.

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bking added a subscriber: BBlack.

Recording @BBlack 's explanation of why this is from #wikimedia-traffic IRC for posterity:

The disconnect in those two sets of URL outputs is basically the distinction between true etcd pools, and frontend service definitions that reference them. [...] For example, neither "apertium" nor "blubberoid" appear in: , but that's because they're both just "front" service names, which both map to the same set of backends from etcd.

In T363702 , we just need a list of backend nodes. Different names on the frontend can be safely ignored. As such, I think we can close out this ticket.

@Volans or anyone else, feel free to re-open if you think there is more work to be done.