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Configure Gerrit permissions on operations/software/envoyproxy/ratelimiter for merging from upstream
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The upstream for is a a github repo. After merging commits from upstream into master, a subsequent attempt to push them to Gerrit fails with:

remote: ERROR: commit db2f642: email address is not registered in your account, and you lack 'forge committer' permission.

The repo needs to be configured to grant "Forge Committer Identity" to the operations-software-envoyproxy-ratelimiter group.

Event Timeline

@JMeybohm I added "Forge Committer Identity" permission to the operations-software-envoyproxy-ratelimiter group and added you as a member of that group. Lemme know how things work now.

dancy triaged this task as Medium priority.May 3 2024, 3:33 PM

Thank you!, almost there. It now fails with:

remote: error: branch refs/heads/master:
remote: You need 'Push' rights with 'Force' flag set to do a non-fastforward push.

Pushing to a new branch still fails with:

remote: error: branch refs/heads/git20240505.3fcc360-vendor:
remote: use a SHA1 visible to you, or get update permission on the ref

@JMeybohm Force push permission has been added now.

Pushing both branches worked now, thanks!