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Evaluate WordPress' Fediverse plugin for Diff Blog
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Recently, the company behind WordPress published a plugin able to connect a general WordPress website with the Fediverse:

This is great since it's almost a zero-conf plugin that helps a lot of organizations to reach the Fediverse without doing anything special. Further info for organizations and governments about Fediverse itself:

It's unclear to me if WordPress VIP already has this possibility, like WordPress community edition and

Anyway, it could be nice to ask to the WordPress assistance if this thing could be installed :)



  • it is not clear if we should allow incoming comments from the fediverse, to be shown on the website. This is just an option. Probably not even enabled by default. If we have not enough time for moderation, it could be maybe enabled in the future. So, just allowing "boosts" and "likes".
  • ...

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Fediverse! evaluate the WorPress plugin for Diff Blog to Evaluate WordPress' Fediverse plugin for Diff Blog.May 11 2024, 1:25 PM