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Move "ProbeDown alerts for WDQS" and elastic GC alerts out of #wikimedia-operations and into #wikimedia-data-platform-alerts
Open, MediumPublic


Although we've succeeded in moving some alerts out of #wikimedia-operations , I'm still seeing a few appear in that channel. To improve alert routing, let's migrate the following:

  • ProbeDown alerts for WDQS
  • Garbage Collection alerts for Elastic

Event Timeline

Gehel renamed this task from Continue moving DPE SRE alerts out of #wikimedia-operations and into #wikimedia-data-platform-alerts to Move "ProbeDown alerts for WDQS" and elastic GC alerts out of #wikimedia-operations and into #wikimedia-data-platform-alerts.Fri, May 31, 8:31 AM
Gehel triaged this task as Medium priority.