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ptwikis can't create right URLs for three coded languages
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Three days ago, I noticed that ptwikis (or Abuse Filter Graphs) tool on Toolforge creates wrong URLs for three coded languages (such as "ckb") and should be fixed. I couldn't create a pull request on because I wasn't one of the contributors. After sending an email to @He7d3r and no reply, I will try this task as the last report from me.

Steps to replicate the issue:

What happens?:
You see it redirects you to somewhere wrong which is

What should have happened instead?:
The right URL is

Event Timeline

Danilo claimed this task.
Danilo subscribed.


Note that in the tool side menu there is a "Coordination/bug report" link pointing to a talk page in pt.wikipedia, that is the best place to report bugs.